Did Hugh “Hobby” Barndollar of Land O’Lakes, Florida Sell You Any GPB Fund?

Let Us Help You Recover Your GPB Investment Losses! Hugh “Hobby” Barndollar is currently employed by Crown Capital Securities in Land O’Lakes, Florida. He has been registered with that broker dealer since March 2013. During the period April 2014 through the present he has also been employed by Barndollar Advisory Services Inc.  During Mr. Barndollar’s securities industry career as a salesperson he has been the subject of three (3) customer complaints.  We believe two (2) of the pending complaints filed while he was employed by Crown Capital Securities relate to private offer and sale of GPB Capital Holdings sponsored limited partnership interests. We are attorneys offering to help GPB investors who made private placement investments in the following limited partnerships offered and sold by Hugh “Hobby” Barndollar during his employment with Crown Capital Securities; that is, help them to rescind their GPB investment and/or recover their GPB investment losses: GPB Automotive Portfolio, LP GPB Cold Storage LP GPB Holdings, LP GPB Holdings II, LP GPB Holdings III, LP GPB Holdings Qualified, LP GPB NYC Development, LP GPB Waste Management Fund, LP

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